An excerpt from "Triton World Mission" entitled, "1 Corinthians 8:1-13 | Love Builds Up" states: "Paul warns the Corinthians “Knowledge puffs up”. Knowledge, has that kind of danger. For example, Christians who recently were born again, and were endowed with the blessings of God, suddenly with all the knowledge that comes to their hearts think they are special. They begin to look down on others who had been Christians for years before them; thinking they know better; understand better; do better. All that “knowledge” when it is not properly guarded and nurtured, only puffs up the Christian. The young Christian who is barely an infant in Christ, does his own thing in his own way, despising his elder’s wisdom. He wont hear of commitments to worship because in his superior mind, a Christian is free to worship anywhere anytime. Isn’t that what the Savior has said, after-all! In that way he despises lessons of commitment and of fellowship and of unity in Christ designed to bless his spiritual life if he only listens. But he does not listen because he believes he is free, and that he possesses better knowledge than all other Christians. His knowledge becomes his idol and his God, slowly replacing the Christ who died for him with the “knowledge” he possesses and with pride."
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Reference: 1 Corinthians 8:1