An excerpt from "Christian Disciples" entitled, "Chapter 1: The Scriptural Meaning of Commitment" states: "How do we inherit eternal life? How can we come to know God, the living God? We shall see that in Biblical teaching, the answers to these questions are inseparably linked to our commitment to God.
Commitment is an action on our part in response to God. There is no point talking about commitment unless we have at least the intention to commit. Our purpose, then, is to call forth a specific active response to God, and not just to increase our head knowledge. I will base this book on the Bible, the word of God, and not on human ideas or opinions. Our goal is a breakthrough in our relationship with God. As for those of you who have already made some kind of commitment to God, my hope is that any hindrance that may still stand between you and God will be removed."
This article may be viewed at: The Scriptural Meaning of Commitment/
Reference: 1 Corinthians 7:27