An excerpt from "Christ Now.com" entitled, "7 Effective Habits of Christians Hugely Passionate for Christ" by David Bryant, states: 1) SEE Christ more for all he is, as you study about him in God’s Word . . . which leads to
2) SEEK Christ more for all he is, as you ask for more of him in prayer . . . which leads to
3) SAVOR Christ more for all he is, as you sing praises of him and to him . . . which leads to
4) SPEAK of Christ more for all he is, as you teach fellow believers about him . . . which leads to
5) SHOW Christ more for all he is, as you imitate him in word and deed . . . which leads to
6) SERVE Christ more for all he is, as you minister to others in his name . . . which leads to
7) SHARE Christ more for all he is, as you point others to him as Redeemer and Lord
This article may be viewed at: christnow.com/7 Effective Habits of Christians Hugely Passionate for Christ