An excerpt from "Moore Theological" entitled, "Praise from people or praise from God?" by Lionel Windsor, states: "Our security is, instead, in the person and work of Jesus. We re freely forgiven, we have peace with God, and we have that sure hope of being saved (Romans 5:1-11). We're safe. Our security can never be taken away by terrorists or madmen, by poverty or sickness, or by the disapproval others. It’s safe in Jesus. That security makes us free to love, free to do what is right in God’s eyes, free to speak the truth in love even when the truth (and the love) is rejected. It also makes us free to suffer for Jesus sake—even if that suffering involves being disapproved of or slandered by others. We live for God’s praise, not for the praise of people.
So this little saying, whose praise is not from people, but from God , raises a big question for all of us. Where do we look for our security, first and foremost? Do we look for security in the praise and approval that comes from people, or do we look for security in the praise and approval that comes from God?" This article may be viewed at: Praise from people or praise from God?/
Reference: Romans 2:29
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