An excerpt from "" entitled "An Undivided Heart" by Tiffany Thibault, states: "How undivided is your heart for the Lord? Are you faithful in the Word and in prayer? Just as the writer of our verse [Psalm 86:11] wrote thousands of years ago, this struggle is not new, but I think the struggle is even harder today. Our lives are so incredibly busy and packed with activities, deadlines, and distractions, that if we even get to a quiet time, it's often a rushed moment, a thing to check off.
So, the writer of our verse knew that the secret to having an undivided heart is desire. He pleaded with the Lord to help him with this area because it was just too hard to do it all by himself. Do you eagerly read the Word to learn from the Lord? Or has it become just another to-do item? Or perhaps it has even slid to the “do it later” pile?"
This article may be viewed at: An Undivided Heart/
Reference: 1 Corinthians 7:35