An excerpt from "Christianity" entitled, "The Lost: They're Watching Us" by John Atkinson, states: "Do we as Christians really stop to think about how we are representing God? Have you ever thought about how the things we do and say affect non-Christians? Sure, we all worry about what our Christian friends and acquaintances think about the things we say and do, but how often do we really think about how non-believers view us?
In fact, what we do and say affects the non-Christians around us far more than it does the Christians. Pastor Lee Strobel said one of the most profound things I have ever heard. I'm paraphrasing because I can't remember the exact quote, "for those of us who calls ourselves Christians, we need to know that the hypocrisy meter is scanning our lives." In other words, those who have chosen not to believe are looking for us to fail so they can justify their non-belief. Think about the responsibility that is inherent in that statement. Do we really understand that we can be either good or bad ambassadors for Christ simply by the words we speak or the way we live our lives?"
This article may be viewed at: The Lost: They're Watching Us/
Reference: 1 Corinthians 8:10