For centuries, Jewish prophets foretold of a day that the Messiah would be born. Zachariah and Elizabeth, in their advanced years, were chosen by God, to give birth to a son, whose name was to be John. Later, he was known as “John the Baptist” because he preached repentance from sin, followed by a water… Read More »
Blog – Who Was the Apostle John?
John, the author of the Gospel of John, was the son of Zebedee and Salome and brother of James. Both John and James were disciples of Jesus. Inspired by God, John shared both the divine and human nature of Jesus; stating, before the creation of the world there was the Word and in time the… Read More »
Blog – In the Beginning… John introduced his Gospel with the statement that God existed before the creation of the earth.
Blog – Jewish Expectation About the Messiah
Expectations varied among the Jewish people regarding the coming Messiah. For some, it was an event that they did not expect to see in their lifetime. Others thought the Messiah would be a military leader that would restore Judea as a kingdom as in the days of King David. The Sadducees were content to avoid… Read More »
Blog – Meet Herod the Great
I’m Herod the Great, king of Judea. I’ve built a magnificent temple, constructed a seaport at Caesarea, established a trading hub for the region and managed the Jewish people and the area in a manner that pleases Julius Caesar and the Roman court. I will not let anything or anyone interfere with my plans.
Blog – The Impact of Greek Culture on Judaism
With Alexander the Great’s conquest of much of the known world in the third century B.C. there was a danger that Jewish families would accept Greek pagan religious customs. This gave rise to Jewish religious leaders called Pharisees that sought to impose not only Mosaic Law, but added many additional rules and restrictions. Greek language,… Read More »
Blog – Pharisees and Sadducees in Judaism
For generations prophets had foretold that there would be a Messiah that would be born and that He would save his people. Many parents taught this to their children; but, what about the Pharisees and Sadducees? The lifestyle of the Pharisees was focused on strict adherence to both the Mosaic Law and additional laws and… Read More »
Blog – God’s Church Between the Old and New Testament
During domination of Judah by the Persians, Greeks and Romans, the office of High Priest deteriorated into a largely political position, with a greater emphasis on secular government. At the time of Jesus, the High Priest Annas was deposed by the Roman governor and replaced by Caiaphas.
Blog – Zechariah Foretold Future Events
While, details about the destruction of Jerusalem, given by Zechariah were sketchy, it provided a warning for the Jewish people to redirect their focus on worship and obedience to God. Later Jesus would, also, forecast the destruction of Jerusalem; but, revealed that there would be an opportunity for Christians to flee the city, to spare… Read More »
Blog – The Good Shepherd and His Sheep
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, was delivered into the hands of the High Priest and Roman soldiers. His disciples scattered, except for one, who later denied that he knew Jesus, not once but three times.
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