On this day, the psalmist’s spirit was inspired to write about the joy he felt about his relationship with God. He had been on the receiving end of God’s love and faithfulness and wrote this Psalm to be set to music and sung as a praise to God and an encouragement for God’s followers.
Blog – Psalm 150 [Praise the Lord: To God With Love]
Psalm 1 introduces the Psalms by stating the joy of one who is in a right relationship with God. Psalm 150 encourages us to praise the Lord for that joy, expressing our love and thankfulness to God.
Blog – Psalm 149 [Praise by God’s Faithful People]
Life does not always seem fair, but God will judge right from wrong and His faithful people will be rewarded and the wicked punished.
Blog – Psalm 148 [Praise the Lord Everyone and Everything]
The act of praising God should not be approached as a chore to be accomplished; but rather an expression of our feeling about God. Nature praises God in that it expresses itself as God provided. Nature wasn’t provided with a choice; but humans do.
Blog – Psalm 147 [Does God Like Our Praise?]
The psalmist reminds us of the need to praise God; but, what did God say? In, John 4:24, Jesus said, “God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.
Blog – Psalm 146 [Trust in the Lord]
God had promised the Israelites that He would give them the land of Canaan. As they prepared to enter the land, they sent men to inspect the land and people. Two men reported that the land was good and God would enable them to possess the land. Ten men reported that the people were like… Read More »
Blog – Psalm 145 [Great Is The Lord]
Within Jewish families, during Biblical times, it was customary to pass down from one generation to the next, the history of the family and events where God displayed his power. There were times, however, when they were less inclined to talk about God. For this reason, the psalmist reminds people how great God is and… Read More »
Blog – Psalm 136 [God’s Love Endures Forever]
Created out of God’s love, Adam and Eve continued to be loved by God, even after the consequences of their disobedience. That love has continued for all generations and will continue forever.
Blog – Psalm 135 [The Lord is Powerful]
God displayed his power in creating the world, including the first man and woman and all living things. The psalmist reminded the Israelites of past events where God provided for them and will continue to provide for the needs of those who are obedient to Him.
Blog – Psalm 118 [God’s Love Endures Forever]
When the Israelites considered their history, they were reminded that there were times when they experienced God’s love: through His deliverance from slavery in the land of Egypt, protection from the Egyptian Army with the crossing of the Red Sea on dry land, daily food while living in the wilderness, taking possession of the Promised… Read More »
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