From the day Jesus asked me to follow Him, I’ve been with Him constantly, along with other followers. There was something about the way He spoke that made me want to hear more. And when He said, one day, that we were going to a wedding I couldn’t have imagined what happened. It started with His mother telling Him that the wedding party ran out of wine. He asked her why she was telling Him this. Instead of responding to the question Jesus asked, His mother instructed the servants to do whatever Jesus said.
I’ll never forget what happened next. Jesus told the servants to fill some large stone containers with water. I watched as the servants filled the containers to the brim with water. Then Jesus told them to take a sample to the man in charge of the feast. This person knew nothing of the origin of the sample; but when he tasted it, he was so pleased that he called the bridegroom over and told him that the wine was exceptional and that the bridegroom had saved the best for last.
I knew that Jesus was the Messiah; but, now I knew that He could do what nobody else could do. He could perform miracles. [Story based on Bible Reference – John 2:1-11]
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