End of June 2024 Update
The committee organizing the congregational meetings about discerning Ono Church’s future has scheduled the following 6 dates and times for a presentation:
- Tuesday July 2 at 2 pm
- Tuesday July 2 at 7 pm
- Thursday July 11th at 10 am
- Thursday July 11 at 7 pm
- Tuesday July 16 at 2 pm
- Tuesday July 16 at 7 pm
At each of these 6 times, the same presentation/information will be shared. The hope is that one of these times will suit your schedule and you will be able to attend. The key issues/factors involved in this discernment process will be presented. You will have time and opportunity to ask questions. At the end of each session, a form with a few survey questions will be available to be completed. The Administrative Council is seeking feedback and responses through these congregational meetings from you, the members. At each of these meetings, a few of the committee members will be present. There were 12 people who volunteered to organize this presentation. Thank you for your interest and attention to this information and if you have any questions or concerns before attending one of these meetings, please email me or text me at ekwent@comcast.net or 717-679-5381.
Eric Wentling