Food Boxes
The United Methodist Churches of the Northern Lebanon area distribute FREE Food Boxes the Second Saturday of each month at 1:00 pm. These are given away to those who would benefit from a donation of food to their household. There is no charge or application, they are simply given as an expression of God's love for all. Pickup is at Jonestown United Methodist Church, 109 W Market St.
Contact Becky Moyer to volunteer with this ministry.
Power Packs Project
Power Packs Project is a nonprofit organization in Lancaster, Lebanon, and York counties dedicated to ending hunger in our local schools over the weekend, when free school breakfasts and lunches aren’t available. Every week, the participants receive a Power Pack - a fresh recipe, all the ingredients to make that meal, pantry staples like cereal or peanut butter, and local fresh items like milk and produce.
If interested in volunteering with this organization please reach out to Jean Richards.
Gospel Center
A group from Ono shares worship and a meal with the individuals at the Gospel Center at 27 N 10th St in Lebanon. There are many ways you can share in this ministry - donations of food, money, or gift cards. Bake a dessert, help to serve the meal , share a musical talent during the worship service or share a testimony.
Contact Jeannette Shuey at (717) 644-1831 or Kim Moyer at (717) 926 - 5077 if you would like to join them.
Collection Corner
The Collection Corner for the organizations listed below can be found at the end of the main hallway by the stairs to the Fellowship Hall. Items for donation can be placed in the appropriate bins. Contact the church office at (717) 865-7469 with any questions.
is a choice food pantry serving those who live within the Northern Lebanon School District. Individuals and families are welcome to shop with us one time per week - up to four times a month. There is no cost to clients to utliize our service.
Visit our website at www.joypantry.org to learn more about our current needs and support our neighbors in need & mission to alleviate hunger in our community!
OPEN FOR SHOPPING: Tuesday's & Friday's 10 am - 12 pm, & Thursday's 4 - 7pm