Jesus instructed the man that had been demon-possessed to go home and tell his family and neighbors and everyone he met about God’s m__ __ __ __. [Mark 5:19 NIV]
Blog – Good Met Evil in Decapolis – Part 3
How did the townspeople react when they saw the man that had been demon-possessed, sitting on a rock, clothed, in his right mind and talking to Jesus? Ans. They were a__ __ __ __ __ [Mark 5:15 NIV] What did they ask Jesus? Ans. L__ __ __ __ the area [Mark 5:17 NIV]
Blog – Good Met Evil in Decapolis – Part 2
What is the name of the evil spirits in the meeting between Jesus and the man that was demon-possessed in Decapolis? Ans. L__ __ __ __ __ [Mark 5:9 NIV]
Blog – Good Met Evil in Decapolis – Part 1
The man filled with evil spirits said, “What do you want with me, J__ __ __ __, S__ __ of the M__ __ __ H__ __ __ G__ __? [Mark 5:7 NIV] Note: The evil spirits recognized who Jesus was, in contrast to the Pharisees.